  • الأثنين. مارس 31st, 2025

تحديثات أخبار الحكومة النرويجية

The best translation of “Måling av forsking og innovasjon i helseføretaka og kompetansesentra utanfor spesialisthelsetenesta” depends slightly on the context. Here are a few options, with slight variations in formality and emphasis:

**Option 1 (More literal, general):**

قياس البحث والابتكار في المؤسسات الصحية ومراكز الكفاءة خارج خدمات الرعاية المتخصصة.
(Qiyas al-bahth wal-ibtikar fi al-mu’assasat al-sihhiyya wa marakiz al-kafa’a kharij khadamat al-ri’aya al-mutakhassisah.)

* **قياس (Qiyas):** Measurement
* **البحث (Al-bahth):** Research
* **والابتكار (Wal-ibtikar):** And innovation
* **في المؤسسات الصحية (Fi al-mu’assasat al-sihhiyya):** In the health enterprises/institutions
* **ومراكز الكفاءة (Wa marakiz al-kafa’a):** And competence centers
* **خارج (Kharij):** Outside/Beyond
* **خدمات الرعاية المتخصصة (Khadamat al-ri’aya al-mutakhassisah):** Specialist healthcare services

**Option 2 (Slightly more fluent, common phrasing):**

تقييم البحث والابتكار في الشركات الصحية ومراكز الخبرة خارج نطاق الخدمات الصحية المتخصصة.
(Taqyeem al-bahth wal-ibtikar fi al-sharikat al-sihhiyya wa marakiz al-khibra kharij nitaq al-khadamat al-sihhiyya al-mutakhassisah.)

* **تقييم (Taqyeem):** Assessment/Evaluation (can be used instead of “measurement”)
* **الشركات الصحية (Al-sharikat al-sihhiyya):** Health companies/enterprises (often used instead of “institutions” for a more business-oriented context)
* **مراكز الخبرة (Marakiz al-khibra):** Centers of expertise (a more common and perhaps more precise translation of “kompetansesentra”)
* **خارج نطاق (Kharij nitaq):** Outside the scope/range of
* **الخدمات الصحية المتخصصة (Al-khadamat al-sihhiyya al-mutakhassisah):** Specialized health services

**Option 3 (Emphasis on ‘outside the specialist health services’):**

قياس البحث والابتكار في المؤسسات الصحية ومراكز الكفاءة غير التابعة لخدمات الرعاية المتخصصة.
(Qiyas al-bahth wal-ibtikar fi al-mu’assasat al-sihhiyya wa marakiz al-kafa’a ghayr al-tabi’a li-khadamat al-ri’aya al-mutakhassisah.)

* **غير التابعة لـ (Ghayr al-tabi’a li-):** Not affiliated with/Not belonging to

**Which one to choose?**

* **Option 1** is the most straightforward and literal.
* **Option 2** is generally considered more fluent and natural sounding in Arabic, using common phrases. It’s a good choice if you want a balance between accuracy and readability.
* **Option 3** is best if you really want to emphasize the fact that these organizations are *not* part of the specialist health services system.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on the specific nuance you want to convey and the audience you’re addressing. If possible, providing more context would allow for an even more precise translation.

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