  • الخميس. مارس 20th, 2025

تحديثات أخبار الحكومة النرويجية

Here are a few options for translating “Årsregnskap 2023 Barne- og familiedepartementet har utarbeidet og avlagt årsregnskap i henhold til gjeldende bestemmelser” into Arabic, with slightly different nuances:

**Option 1 (More literal, common in official documents):**

* **البيان الختامي السنوي 2023. قامت وزارة الطفولة والأسرة بإعداد وتقديم البيان الختامي السنوي وفقًا للأحكام السارية.**
* *Al-Bayan al-Khitami as-Sanawi 2023. Qamat Wizarat at-Tufula wal-Usra bi-i’dad wa taqdim al-Bayan al-Khitami as-Sanawi wifqan lil-ahkam as-sariya.*

* **Translation:** Annual Financial Statement 2023. The Ministry of Children and Family Affairs has prepared and submitted the annual financial statement in accordance with applicable provisions.

**Option 2 (Slightly more concise and emphasizing the “account”):**

* **الحساب الختامي السنوي 2023. قامت وزارة الطفولة والأسرة بإعداد وتقديم الحساب الختامي السنوي طبقًا للأنظمة المعمول بها.**
* *Al-Hisab al-Khitami as-Sanawi 2023. Qamat Wizarat at-Tufula wal-Usra bi-i’dad wa taqdim al-Hisab al-Khitami as-Sanawi tibqan lil-anzima al-ma’mul biha.*

* **Translation:** Annual Final Account 2023. The Ministry of Children and Family Affairs has prepared and submitted the annual final account in accordance with the regulations in force.

**Option 3 (More formal and emphasizing compliance):**

* **تم إعداد وتقديم الحسابات الختامية السنوية لعام 2023 من قبل وزارة الطفولة والأسرة، وذلك وفقًا للضوابط والإجراءات المعمول بها.**
* *Tamma i’dad wa taqdim al-hisabat al-khitamiya as-sanawiya li’aam 2023 min qibal Wizarat at-Tufula wal-Usra, zalika wifqan lil-dawabit wal-ijra’at al-ma’mul biha.*

* **Translation:** The annual financial statements for the year 2023 have been prepared and submitted by the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, in accordance with the controls and procedures in force.

**Breakdown of Key Terms:**

* **Årsregnskap:** البيان الختامي السنوي (*al-Bayan al-Khitami as-Sanawi*) or الحساب الختامي السنوي (*al-Hisab al-Khitami as-Sanawi*) or الحسابات الختامية السنوية (*al-hisabat al-khitamiya as-sanawiya*)
* البيان (*al-Bayan*) = Statement
* الحساب (*al-Hisab*) = Account
* الختامي (*al-Khitami*) = Final, Closing
* السنوي (*as-Sanawi*) = Annual
* **Barne- og familiedepartementet:** وزارة الطفولة والأسرة (*Wizarat at-Tufula wal-Usra*)
* وزارة (*Wizarat*) = Ministry
* الطفولة (*at-Tufula*) = Childhood
* الأسرة (*al-Usra*) = Family
* **har utarbeidet og avlagt:** قامت بإعداد وتقديم (*qamat bi-i’dad wa taqdim*) or تم إعداد وتقديم (*tamma i’dad wa taqdim*)
* قامت (*qamat*) = (She) did, undertook
* تم (*tamma*) = Was (done), Has been
* بإعداد (*bi-i’dad*) = Preparing
* تقديم (*taqdim*) = Submitting, Presenting
* **i henhold til gjeldende bestemmelser:** وفقًا للأحكام السارية (*wifqan lil-ahkam as-sariya*) or طبقًا للأنظمة المعمول بها (*tibqan lil-anzima al-ma’mul biha*) or وفقًا للضوابط والإجراءات المعمول بها (*wifqan lil-dawabit wal-ijra’at al-ma’mul biha*)
* وفقًا لـ (*wifqan li-*)= according to
* طبقًا لـ (*tibqan li-*)= according to
* الأحكام (*al-ahkam*) = provisions, rulings
* الأنظمة (*al-anzima*) = regulations, systems
* الضوابط (*al-dawabit*) = controls
* الإجراءات (*al-ijra’at*) = procedures
* السارية (*as-sariya*) = valid, applicable, in force
* المعمول بها (*al-ma’mul biha*) = in force, in effect, applied

**Which option to choose?**

* **Option 1** is the most common and direct translation, suitable for most general purposes.
* **Option 2** is a good choice if you want to emphasize the “account” aspect.
* **Option 3** is the most formal and emphasizes that the ministry followed all necessary rules and procedures. This is often used in official reports where accountability is paramount.

The best choice depends on the specific context and the intended audience. Consider the tone and level of formality required for the document. I recommend Option 1 if you are unsure.

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